In Monsters Of The Storm, you are a mysterious traveler exploring ever-changing loops of land, taming fierce monsters, and enduring violent storms. Your goal is to bend the landscape to your will, build strategic paths and buy powerful gear to defend yourself. Adapt to survive as every loop becomes more dangerous, you need to keep your monsters alive!


  • Mouse Left-Click – Interact / Select 
  • Mouse Drag-and-Drop – Move Objects
  • Mouse Right-Click – Cancel
  • Space – Stop and Resume Time


  • Sven von Brand – Programmer & Designer
  • Nicolás Acevedo – Artist & Designer
  • Felipe Tirado – Programmer

Thank you for playing Monsters Of The Storm! We hope you enjoy the adventure, and feel free to share your feedback with us!

Updated 2 days ago
Published 4 days ago
AuthorsAbstractDigital, Sven von Brand L., TheSylar, Rothbilly

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